'Botis Seva' (Christie's)

Directed by Freddie Leyden

Music Composition and Sound Design by Exporting Good

☆ Vimeo Film of the Year 2022 ☆

'Botis Seva' (Christie's)

Directed by Freddie Leyden

Music Composition and Sound Design by Exporting Good

☆ Vimeo Film of the Year 2022 ☆

'Botis Seva' (Christie's)

Directed by Freddie Leyden

Music Composition and Sound Design by Exporting Good

☆ Vimeo Film of the Year 2022 ☆

Under Armour

Directed by Machine Operated

Music Composition

Sound Design , FX & Sound Mix by Exporting Good

Edit by Exporting Good

BBC 'The Future's Not Cancelled'

Music Composition

Sound Design , FX & Sound Mix by Exporting Good

Christie's Art Exhibition Ad

Music Composition & Mix by Exporting Good

Video Edit by Freddie Leyden

Cherrie B – IDKW Music Video

Music Composition & Mix by Exporting Good

Video Edit by Exporting Good

Igor Hair Ad Campaign 2

Directed by Exporting Good

Music Composition

Sound Design , FX & Sound Mix by Exporting Good

Edit by Exporting Good

Enam Gbewonyo- Nude Me/Under the Skin

Directed by Freddie Leyden

Original Sound Composition by Exporting Good

Sound Design , FX & Sound Mix by Exporting Good

Bompton Bike x Pannier

Directed by Samuel white

Sound Design , FX & Sound Mix by Exporting Good